What We Do

We Support People Healing from trauma

What We Do

— Community Conversations and Open Floor Discussions

Meet other community members who are ready to talk about their lives. Get tips on coping, seeking support from others, and moving on from difficult times. Conversations provide a safe space for people experiencing any form of mental health distress, trauma, or difficulty in their life.

— Trauma Informed Care training for faith-based organizations

Learn about trauma, how it is experienced, and how it affects people’s lives so you can better understand them. Teach staff how to assess each situation and determine how they can help the person they’re talking to best, regardless of age so they don’t feel punished or shamed.

How We Provide Support!

A Place Where Anyone Can Be and Will Be Heard

With an open forum, people are able to share their personal thoughts on any subject they please – no restrictions or censors – which leads to much clearer communication on topics that may otherwise go unexplored. There are no closed threads here.

Professional Individual Mental Health Counseling

All our sessions are flexible, so we’ll work around your schedule to fit your needs. Plus, we’ll provide recommendations and next steps after each session to help make things easier on you so you don’t have to worry about anything else except getting better.

Start Healing Today. Joine a Healing Circle

Healing Circles are an intervention designed to provide a supportive group environment to help individuals who are experiencing difficulty coping after traumatic experiences or loss. They are a restorative and transformative approach to addressing your healing journey needs.

Finding Peace One Step at a Time. We're Here to Help

Whether it’s through one on one sessions or group workshops, our therapists will put you on a path toward healing and self-acceptance. Together we’ll explore what led to these traumatic experiences, identify key emotions, increase mindfulness, and resolve any unfinished issues

Meet More People and Improve Social Skills

Group counseling can address a variety of issues that impact a person’s ability to make friends, communicate effectively, and maintain relationships. It offers participants an opportunity to see things from another’s perspective; which can often lead to feeling less isolated or alone.

Mental Health Workshop In Our Own Community

Mental health workshops can address chronic issues; teach participants how to identify their own personal triggers; lead them through breathing exercises; and guide them through calming activities before, during, or after a stressful event.